Community Block Party 2019 Results

Community Block Party 2019 Results

Home Plate Sliders and Koi Fusion were    our food trucks for the event
June 14, 2019

On May 3, 138 people were part of the 3rd annual Community Block Party! Guests gathered at the Lagunitas Brewing Community Room for an evening of festivities, food, and fun. While building community and breaking down stigma surrounding mental health, participants banded together to raise money for those who cannot afford quality mental health care.


NCC executive director, Erin Peters, reminded the group that Oregon is ranked nearly last in the country for access to mental health services.

Guests applauding after the client speaker

There is a great need for mental health care – but many times people cannot afford it, or have a mental block due to all of the surrounding stigma. Unfortunately there are still many barriers for people getting the life changing and life saving mental health services they need and deserve. There is, however, hope. In April, newsrooms all over the state partnered together to spread awareness about suicide in a project called Breaking the Silence. May was Mental Health Awareness Month – a month dedicated to destigmatizing mental illness and spreading stories of hope and healing. The Block Party itself was a chance for the group to rally around NCC’s mission to provide mental health care to the marginalized and underserved in our community.

Guests toasting

In addition to monetary support, guests were asked to educate the people around them – to normalize mental illness and encourage people to seek help when they need it.

In total, over $40,000 was raised to provide professional mental health care to the financially fragile in our community!

As inspiration to continue NCC’s work in mental health, Julie Rowland, board chair, shared the poem “Sending Forth Compassion” by renowned poet Sr. Joyce Rupp:

As I stand at the entrance of the dark night

I open my heart to send forth compassion

to those whose body or mind knows pain,

to all whom the nighttime brings burden, not rest.

Through the work at NCC, board, staff, volunteers, and allies hope to continue sending forth compassion to all who walk through the doors. Without generous and caring supporters, this vital and life-changing mental health work would not happen.  Thank you for being part of the NCC community.

Looking for more Block Party Photos?

We have pictures from the event posted on Flickr– thanks to Cynthia Ryan for volunteering her photography skills!

Missed the event?  Check out these videos!

Sending Forth Prayer

Opening Program