Completion of this registration form, submitted with your payment, will confirm your spot in the workshop and / or will initiate couples session appointments. The fee for the workshop is non-refundable after the registration deadline has passed. Partner One Information Partner #1: First Name Partner #1: Last Name Partner #1: Chosen Name (if different) Partner #1: Email Partner #1: Phone Partner #1: Address Partner #1: City Partner #1: State Partner #1: Zip code Partner #1: Birthdate Partner #1: Preferred Language Partner #1: Pronouns Partner #1: Legal Sex MaleFemale Partner #1: Gender Identity Partner #1: Race-Check all that apply Alaska NativeAmerican IndianBlack/African AmericanAsianNative Hawaiian or Other Pacific IslanderWhiteOther Single RaceTwo or More Unspecified RacesPrefer not to answer Partner #1: Ethnicity-Check all that apply Puerto RicanMexicanCubanOther HispanicNot of Hispanic OriginPrefer not to answer Partner #1: First Marriage YesNo Partner #1: Children YesNo Partner #1: Have you been a NCC client before? YesNo (Optional but helpful): Partner #1: Religion Partner Two Information Partner #2: First Name Partner #2: Last Name Partner #2: Chosen Name (if different) Partner #2: Email Partner #2: Phone Partner #2: Address Partner #2: City Partner #2: State Partner #2: Zip code Partner #2: Birthdate Partner #1: Preferred Language Partner #2: Pronouns Partner #2: Legal Sex MaleFemale Partner #2: Gender Identity Partner #2: Race-Check all that apply Alaska NativeAmerican IndianBlack/African AmericanAsianNative Hawaiian or Other Pacific IslanderWhiteOther Single RaceTwo or More Unspecified RacesPrefer not to answer Partner #2: Ethnicity-Check all that apply Puerto RicanMexicanCubanOther HispanicNot of Hispanic OriginPrefer not to answer Partner #2: First Marriage YesNo Partner #2: Children YesNo Partner #2: Have you been a NCC client before? YesNo (Optional but helpful): Partner #2: Religion General Information Wedding Date Parish Name Parish Address Minister's Name How did you hear about us? Press send to submit this form. After receiving your registration, we will be in contact with you. Thank you! Δ